I always have been curious about blue’s world. Recently, I came across the word Kelp. Have you heard of them? Kelp, the marine algae that mostly thrive in oceans. The fast-growing creature on our planet. They sure have speedy hormones. Grow “20 cm” every day. I’m tiny. So, I have been on the lookout for such magical growth food, so decided to visit them. Instantly opened the blue doorway and passed beyond.

My ornate door to blue’s world. Immediately I was greeted by blue water. A lot of colorful angelfish, fluorescent jellyfish, soft sausage-shaped sea cucumber,  squid-like cuttlefish, and flying fish passed beyond me. I looked down from above and noticed Kelp aroused from the ocean floor seems quite floppy they looked much like plants with brown mummy wraps. They are hanged vertically by a noodle-like structure known as a holdfast. They were swaying with the ocean currents. Being intrigued to know the cause of their swing, I started.

After 15 minutes, I noticed a bead-like structure once our professor addressed brown algae. but I overlooked it at that time. Now I was regretting skiving off lessons, opened my ebook, and typed after a few seconds pneumatocyst appeared on the screen. Oh, I recalled this structure meant for buoyancy. As I pluck the leaves of Mr .kelp Algin oozed out It’s a thickener utilize in ice cream, cake decorations, etc.

Meanwhile, the ocean creature Mr. and MS. Fish gathered around me it seems like I became quite popular here. I caught the glimpse of the electric ray. It was leaning on the ocean bottom I swam to it to take a selfie. I tickled its tail ray, became furious, and attacked me. I dashed toward the kelp forest. Kelp became a hideout for scapegoats like me. I quickly plucked the leaves put them in a box. Suddenly everything became pitch black I was shocked. A soft-bodied, eight-limbed Mr. Octopus who was hiding behind leaves ambushed me.

Hastily I kicked the doorway of the blue room and breezed out. it. I reeked for a week. I boiled leaves ate their taste was not bad, but I got food poisoning later I came to know Kelp has many benefits e.g. It boots immune system, lowers blood pressure, prevents blood clot but the effect on human height still not known. World of kelp yet to be discovered. Guess I still have to figure out how to level up my height. How sad?