Photo by Haseeb Modi on Unsplash

 Looking back it seems, it happened yesterday

The days we used to enter school

The morning assemblies and the National Anthem

The day we became friends

The days as a nut class

The brawls for the last bench

The innocent or ridiculous prayers we made before

Or after tests

The days we laughed on getting zeros

Counting who got more

The days we made a mess

The days in front of the principal office

The days we dwindle thinking for excuses

The days we spent looking in the foggy mirror

Rubbing our faces before and after

The days we played under the blue sky

Without batting our eyes for hours

Running after each other without getting tired

The days of hunt for water before summer breaks

Those boring uniform, silly fights, rampage in the canteens

Those bangs of friends

Those nostalgic memories

Those ironic days

I kinda miss them